Customer: Leed / John Holland JV
Fabrication of MSCL pipe fittings from 100mm Diameter up to 1m Diameter for Adelaide water infrastructure upgrade. Fittings included manifolds, tees, bends and dismantling joints. The fittings were manufactured to the high quality standards of SA water and subjected to rigorous testing requirements before delivery.
The fabrication was managed under very stringent QC and QA systems as it was critical for the fittings to meet an “80 year” design life standard. These Fittings were fabricated in accordance with the requirements of AS1554 part 1 category SP with the addition of SA Water welding technical standards in that all full strength butt welds (FSBW) were to satisfy either RT or UT inspection, with all remaining weld configurations to satisfy MP inspection.
Delivery of the fittings was time critical to minimise disruption to residential areas.